The future

What's in store for humanity?

The near future is long and daunting. One could argue that humanity no longer has a future considering it's long track record of destruction and war, but this timeline should serve to give an idea of what's to come.


In the 2020s we will be in a period of large-scale change. We will reach our tipping point in terms of oil and the economy and the world as we know will be forced to begin it’s shift towards renewable energy.

Other events include:

  • Self driving cars will begin adoption on a global scale due to a push from well known car manufacturers.
  • Generation X reshapes global politics through their more liberal ideals.
  • Illness and various diseases such as cancer have become reduced at a faster rate due to advancements in research & technology. Cancers such as Hodgkin’s lymphoma survival rates are now approaching 100%.
  • Internet use accessibility and affordability is greatly improved allowing for Internet use to reach 5 billion users around the globe.


The 2030s will be a decade of technological innovation. The worldwide population will have increased to an additional 2 billion people living on earth.

Other events include:

  • A major shift in agriculture has occurred; the way we grow and raise cattle has changed to a more genetically enhanced method to account for population growth.
  • Artificial Intelligence is widespread, rather than one centralised AI, countless amounts of small AI effective control their own specialised domains.
  • The majority of new vehicles are either plug-in electric or hybrids, all of which are self-driven and autonomous. A shift from oil has begun and roads have become a safer place.
  • Emerging job titles of today
    • Social media officer
    • Virtual ethics teacher
    • Autonomous car mechanic
  • Digital currency is slowly gaining traction.


The decade of the 2040s will show change in terms of global influence, India and China’s influence on culture and society rivals that of the USA. As well as this technology has shifted towards a focus on biometric modifications such as sensory enhancements.

Other events include:

  • Telecommuting has become a very common method of travelling to work.
  • Virtual currency is now replacing normal currency
  • Healthcare has advanced to such an extent where cancer rates and various other forms of disease have dropped dramatically. As a result human life span has increased significantly worldwide to a minimum of 90.
  • The worlds animal and plant life have declined as a result of global warming, major extinctions have occurred on many of the world’s species.


In this decade the world population has reached 10billion people. The overpopulation of the world has contributed to advancements in housing, agriculture and become the catylst in society's move away from capitalism.

Other events include:

  • Due to advancements in artifical intelligence, Moore's law has allowed the average computer to be as powerful as the entire human population.
  • Oil has been completely abandoned in favor of renewable and cleaner energy alternatives.
  • Space travel is becoming an increasingly simpler endeavour with humans now occupying mars and the moon.
  • Food has become free due to advancements in agriculture and technology.
  • The capitalistic society in which the world is based is falling apart due to the rapid movement of technology and automation causing a high percentage of unemployment (60%).

What's next?


The world has become heavily reliant on technology. As a result, technology has gradually shifted the world’s perception on work and culture due to automation.

Other events include:

  • A shift away from traditional employment has occured due to widespread protest in the 2050s rendering most jobs redundant.
  • Renewable energy is becoming increasingly efficient.
  • The Internet has become a virtual world in which a percentage of the population inhabit and live a large amount of their lives.
  • Australian population reaches 42million


The world has changed a great deal with the population now reaching 12billion; technology and society have advanced to a point where human life span has reach an average of 100 years of age.

Other events include:

  • Driving your own car has become a foreign memory to many and is illegal in much of the world
  • The concept of work has changed with autonomous machines having taken over most roles. Humanity as a whole will be focused on more creative and philosophical endeavors.
  • The worldwide population has plateaued at 12billion.


Androids and humans live in harmony; a ‘modification free’ movement will begin in this decade as the android population has grown to rival the human population in the world.

Other events include:

  • ‘Going to space’ has become as normal as travelling to another country due to advancements in technology.
  • Global warming has snow to be increasingly harder to experience and global efforts are taken to restore snow to sites such as Vancouver, Sochi, Oslo and Chamonix.


The population of earth is heavily populated with humans which have completely merged with machines.

  • Virtual reality has allowed near perfect simulations of every era of earth.
  • Population on Mars has grown to 2 million.

The Deep Future

2100 - Beyond

Humans reach type 1 status on the Kardeshev scale by being able to harness all the energy available from our sun.


The Deep Future

Humanity pushes limits and pushes past the shackles of earth.


  • Our sun dies but humanity has moved into another dimension of existence.
  • The Big Crunch.

What's next for humanity?

The further we get, the more we can only speculate.